
timely - 详细例句、用法、同义词
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- timely英语例句大全
- timely同义词有哪些
- timely在英语中的用法和搭配
- timely的英语表达方式
a. 及时的,适时的
名词:timeliness 形容词比较级:timelier 最高级:timeliest
- Be timely and exact. 要做到又及时又准确。
- I do appreciate your timely help. 我的确很感谢您的及时帮助。
- Had it not been for your timely help, our company would have been on the verge of bankruptcy. 若非你及时伸出援助之手,本公司将会濒临破产的边缘。
- What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment. 及时付款正是我们所盼望的。
- It means to give the most-needed and timely aid. 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。
- Nothing more. I do appreciate your timely help. 没什么了。非常感激您及时的帮助。
- This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care. 这件事适时地提醒我们要注意时时谨慎。
- Thanks to your timely intervention. 多亏你及时调停。
形容词 timely:
- before a time limit expires
- done or happening at the appropriate or proper time
同义词:seasonable, well-timed, well timed
副词 timely:
- at an opportune time
同义词:seasonably, well-timed, apropos