
carry - 详细例句、用法、同义词
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- carry同义词有哪些
- carry在英语中的用法和搭配
- carry的英语表达方式
n. 进位,超位
v. 携带,支持,意味,搬运,拿
v. 携带,支持,意味,搬运,拿
名词复数:carries 动词过去式:carried 过去分词:carried 现在分词:carrying 第三人称单数:carries
- His voice carries the ring of authority. 他的声音中带有权威的口气。
- She came in carrying an important-looking piece of paper. 她进来时,拿著一份看来很重要的文件。
- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。
- His ability carried him to the top of his profession. 他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指。
- I carried my books in a strong paper bag. 我把书装在厚纸袋里提着。
- Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects. 许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的。
- This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you. 这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。
- This radio station does not carry any advertising. 这家广播电台不播送任何广告。
名词 carry:
- the act of carrying something
动词 carry:
- move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
- have with oneself; have on one's person
- transmit or serve as the medium for transmission
- serve as a means for expressing something
- bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of
- support or hold in a certain manner
- contain or hold; have within
- extend to a certain degree
- continue or extend
- be necessarily associated with or result in or involve
- win in an election
- include, as on a list
- behave in a certain manner
- have on hand
- include as the content; broadcast or publicize
- propel, "Carry the ball"
- pass on a communication
- have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence
- be conveyed over a certain distance
- keep up with financial support
- have or possess something abstract
- be equipped with (a mast or sail)
- win approval or support for
- compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance
- take further or advance
- have on the surface or on the skin
- capture after a fight
- transfer (entries) from one account book to another
- transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication
- pursue a line of scent or be a bearer
- bear (a crop)
- propel or give impetus to
- drink alcohol without showing ill effects
- be able to feed
- have a certain range
- cover a certain distance or advance beyond
- secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions)
- be successful in
- sing or play against other voices or parts
- be pregnant with
同义词:pack, take
同义词:conduct, transmit, convey, channel
同义词:convey, express
同义词:hold, bear
同义词:hold, bear, contain
同义词:behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport
同义词:stock, stockpile
同义词:persuade, sway
同义词:have a bun in the oven, bear, gestate, expect