n. 建筑物


  1. The erection of the building took several months.
  2. The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.
  3. The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
  4. The building faces north.
  5. Our ten-storey building is out of straight.
  6. The building does not conform to safety regulations.
  7. Houses and churches are buildings.


名词 building:

  1. a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place
  2. 同义词:edifice
  3. the act of constructing something
  4. 同义词:construction
  5. the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones
  6. 同义词:construction
  7. the occupants of a building

动词 build:

  1. make by combining materials and parts
  2. 同义词:construct, build, make
  3. form or accumulate steadily
  4. 同义词:build up, work up, build, progress
  5. build or establish something abstract
  6. 同义词:build, establish
  7. improve the cleansing action of
  8. 同义词:build
  9. order, supervise, or finance the construction of
  10. 同义词:build
  11. give form to, according to a plan
  12. 同义词:build
  13. be engaged in building
  14. 同义词:build
  15. found or ground
  16. 同义词:build
  17. bolster or strengthen
  18. 同义词:build up, work up, build, ramp up
  19. develop and grow
  20. 同义词:build