n. 火箭,烟火
v. 发射火箭,猛涨


动词过去式:rocketed 过去分词:rocketed 现在分词:rocketing 第三人称单数:rockets


  1. Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.
  2. A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.
  3. The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere.
    第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的, 进入高层大气後即抛掉.
  4. They sent a distress rocket.
  5. The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up.


名词 rocket:

  1. any vehicle self-propelled by a rocket engine
  2. 同义词:projectile
  3. a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
  4. 同义词:rocket engine
  5. erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender
  6. 同义词:roquette, garden rocket, rocket salad, arugula, Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria sativa
  7. propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon
  8. 同义词:skyrocket
  9. sends a firework display high into the sky
  10. 同义词:skyrocket

动词 rocket:

  1. shoot up abruptly, like a rocket
  2. 同义词:skyrocket
  3. propel with a rocket